News & Events
The Registration Process and Licensing Requirements of the BOETT
General In general, the Board of Engineering...
A Career of Excellence: Distinguished Service to the Profession; What I do vs Who I am
Rae Furlonge. BSc., PhD., FASCE, FITE, FAPETT,...
A Past President’s Admonition; APETT Membership and BOETT Registration complement each other: Our Engineers should be both
Trevor Townsend, Ph.D. R.Eng, C.Eng., F.CIHT,...
An Engineer, Entrepreneur, Author and Activist: – Expertise in reliability and lubrication engineering and advocacy for women in STEM
Engineer Sanya Mathura, BSc. MSc. MLE, FLCAT I,...
An Outstanding Young Engineer; – Unlocking Opportunities for Success; Never Stop Learning
Engineer Risha Cozier, BASc, AMASCE, MAPETT, A...
A Young Registered Engineer Mandate; Uphold the Highest Standards of Ethics, Integrity, and Professionalism
Andrew Chin Lee, BSc Eng. | MSc. (Dist.) |...
An Outstanding Young Engineer’s Credo; – Embrace Innovation and a Creative Mindset
Ezekiel Yorke, BSc, MSc, MAPETT, AMIMechE, A...
A budding Civil Engineer’s commitment to the profession; failure is not an option, there is always a solution
Richard Tyson, MBA, MSc, BSc, PGDip, PMP, R.Eng,...
A chat with Engineer Keisha Whittaker, one of the New Faces of Engineering in Trinidad andTobago.
The field of mining engineering has become a...