The Board of Engineering of Trinidad and Tobago (BOETT) was established by the Engineering Profession Act, No. 34 of 1985 as an Act respecting the registration of engineers and otherwise regulating the practice of engineering. The Act is supplemented by the Engineering Profession (Registration) Regulations, 1994.   Regulation of the practice of engineering is included in the Schedule to the Act as a Code of Ethics.

The Board is in effect the licensing authority for Professional Engineers.

1.1 The Board

The Board of Engineering is established as a corporate body appointed by the Minister and consists of:

(a) four registered engineers nominated by and holding membership in the Association of Professional Engineers of Trinidad and Tobago;

(b) a public officer who is registered or is eligible to be registered as a registered engineer;

(c) two persons appointed to represent the public interest.

The Chairman is appointed by the Board from among its members and only citizens of, or persons who are ordinarily resident in Trinidad and Tobago, are eligible to be appointed to the Board.

A person appointed to the Board holds office for a term of three years but is eligible for reappointment for a maximum of two further consecutive terms.

The Board appoints a registered engineer as a Registrar/Secretary whose functions include, inter alia –

(a) to maintain the Register of Registered Engineers and to keep the Register open for public scrutiny at such fee as may be prescribed;

(b) to endorse in the Register such particulars of a registered engineer as may be prescribed;

(c) to collect all fees;

1.0 INTRODUCTION – cont’d.

(d) to publish at least once in every year in the Gazette, the Register and a list of those persons whose Certificates of Registration have been suspended or cancelled, and

(e) to perform such other functions as the Board may prescribe.

1.2 The Status of the Board

By instruments of appointment dated October 10, 2005, the following were appointed to serve on the Board of Engineering of Trinidad and Tobago for a period of three (3) years with effect from October 10, 2005:-

Mr. Leopold Martin Nominated by and holding Membership in the Association of Professional Engineers of Trinidad and Tobago

Mr. Emile Charles – ditto –

Mr. Jerry Medford – ditto –

Mr. Imtiaz Hosein – ditto –

Mr. Rudin Austin A Public Officer who is registered or is eligible to be     registered as a Registered Engineer

Mr. Madan Ramnarine To represent the Public Interest

Mr. Thornhill Carrington     – ditto –

In accordance with the Act – Act No. 34 of 1985 – Clause 11(2), Eng. Imtiaz Hosein was appointed by the Board as Chairman from among its Members. The Board also appointed Mr. Madan Ramnarine as its Treasurer and Eng. Jerry Medford as Deputy Chairman.

In accordance with Clause 22 of that same Act, the Board continued the appointment of Eng. Derek M. Comissiong, a Registered Engineer, to perform the functions of Registrar/Secretary.

Mrs. Jameela Bynoe, who had also been employed by the Board since inception, also continues to perform as the Board’s Office Manager.

In accordance with previous precedent, and in lieu of the appointment of a new Board,  the appointees continued managing the registration of engineers and otherwise regulating the practice of engineering in Trinidad and Tobago after their stated term of office ended on October 09, 2008.  In April 2009, however, Eng. Emile Charles advised that he considered that the term of the Board had long expired.

1.0 INTRODUCTION – cont’d.

1.2 The Status of the Board – cont’d.

The Board had been advised “that the Honourable Minister of Works and Transport has advised that the present Board can continue to function until such time as a new Board is appointed.” 

On the election of the new Government in May 2010, an audience with the new Minister of Works and Transport was sought to discuss the status of the Board and other related matters.  The meeting took place in July 2010 and among matters discussed were the revision of the Board’s enabling legislation and the appointment of a new Board.  It was understood, then, inter alia, that urgent action was to be taken on the new Board.  This matter is still ongoing.

This is the Annual Report of the Board of Engineering of Trinidad and Tobago for the year 2010.


The Board continued its operations as in previous years through the following Committees appointed in accordance with Act No. 34 of 1985:-

(a) The Accreditation Committee – chaired by Eng. Leopold Martin and comprising Eng. Prof. Winston Mellowes and Eng. Prof. Clement Imbert.

The Accreditation Committee assists the Board in the preparation and conduct of such examinations as the Board deems necessary, the preparation of the list of qualifications and institutions required for acceptance as registered engineers and advises the Board on the acceptability or otherwise of applicants for registration.

(b) The Assessment Committee chaired by Eng. Jerry Medford and comprising Engrs. Alvin Lutchman, David Bartholomew and Lawford Dupres.


The Assessment Committee reviews the engineering work done by applicants seeking to qualify for registration and makes recommendations in this regard to the Board.

The Board received sixty-eight (68) applications for registration during the year 2010.  Forty-nine (49) were registered in 2010.  The total number of engineers registered with/by the Board at the end of 2010 stood at eight hundred and nine (809).

2.0 BOARD OPERATIONS – cont’d.

The Board maintains the Register of Registered Engineers as required by the Act and keeps the Register available for public scrutiny.  The list is published annually in the Trinidad and Tobago Gazette.  Additionally, Certificates of Registration and Registration Stamps are issued to all registered engineers.

(c) Disciplinary Committee – chaired by Eng. Denis Singh and comprising Engrs. Hollis Charles and Cecil Chin.

The Disciplinary Committee is appointed by the Board and called upon if and when allegations of misconduct or breach of the Code of Ethics by a registered engineer may have occurred and advises on whether there are any grounds for disciplinary proceedings to be brought against such registered engineer.  There were no calls on this Committee in the year 2010.

2.1 Other Committees 

The Board continued its active involvement with stakeholders of the engineering fraternity on several committees involved with improving the performance of the industry during 2010.  Encouraging strides were made in having existing legislation amended and improved.

In 2009, the Ministry of Works and Transport established a Committee which includes the Association of Professional Engineers of Trinidad and Tobago (APETT) and the Board of Engineering of Trinidad and Tobago (BOETT), and engaged a legislative drafting expert to pursue legislative reform. The Engineering Profession Act was to be strengthened.  The work continued throughout 2010 and is ongoing.

In 2010, the Board continued in its participation and contribution to:

i) The Electrical Code Committee which has been particularly active, continued assisting with:-

  • Development of Trinidad and Tobago Standards in collaboration with the Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards
  • Issues with T&TEC including clarification of requirements for Reserve Capacity, Underground Distribution, Non-refundable Capital Contribution, Design of a Fireman Switch for the Shutdown of Unmanned Standby Generators.

2.0 BOARD OPERATIONS – cont’d.

2.1 Other Committees – cont’d. 

ii) The Structures Code Committee has continued its activities in respect of:-

  • The derivation of a Trinidad and Tobago Building Code for submission as a local contribution to the current CDB/CROSQ Caribbean Building Code Project
  • Co-operation with the Seismic Research Centre which provides guidance regarding the design accelerations as would enable consistency in the earthquake load calculations of all practicing structural engineers relevant to IBC requirements.
  • Related matters.

The work of the Structures Code Committee has been ongoing throughout the year 2010.

iii) The Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Committee compiled by APETT and the Board continued  its efforts to introduce CPD as a requirement for continued registration.  The Committee includes:-

  • Eng. Fasil Muddeen – Chairman
  • Eng. Prof. Winston Mellowes
  • Eng. Simon Westcott
  • Eng. Hollis Eversley
  • Eng. Jerry Medford (BOETT Representative)

    The Committee continued to function throughout 2010 and is ongoing.

2.2 Bursary Fund 

In 2002, the Board established a Bursary Fund, funded entirely by Registered Engineers and Business concerns associated with engineering matters.  The fund was to assist Trinidad and Tobago nationals with the cost of engineering courses undertaken at the University of the West Indies, Faculty of Engineering, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad.   

In the year 2010, a further $27,677.74 had been collected for the Bursary Fund and thirteen (13) students (to 2009) had received awards amounting to $65,000.00.

By October 2010, a further three (3) students were each awarded $12,000.00 to assist with meeting the cost of studies.

2.0 BOARD OPERATIONS – cont’d.

2.3 Board Meetings 

During the year 2010, the Board held ten (10) regular meetings and individual attendance was:-

  • Imtiaz Hosein (Chairman) 06
  • Madan Ramnarine (Treasurer) 07
  • Leopold Martin 09
  • Jerry Medford (Deputy Chairman) 06
  • Thornhill Carrington 09
  • Rudin Austin 03

Also attending:

  • Derek M. Comissiong (Registrar/Secretary) 10



Income for the year (as yet unaudited) was $548,070.00 and Expenditure $446,278.00, resulting in an operational surplus of $101,792.00.

The Treasurer prepares monthly financial statements for consideration by the Board and arranged for the audit of its finances to December 31, 2010.

The Board does not, and has not, ever received any Government subvention or subventions.