A new Board to serve the eleventh (11th) Term of Office (2024-2027) of the Board of Engineering of Trinidad and Tobago was inaugurated on 16th July 2024. The Board is comprised of Chairman, Prof. Stephan Gift and Board Members, Eng. Prof. Clement Imbert, Eng. Roger Camacho, Eng. Margarita Leonard, Eng. Marc Cooper, Mr. Shane Boodoosingh and Ms. Dayne Job.

Seated Clockwise are: Office Manager, Nisha Lopez; Administrative Assistant, Deidre Hernandez-Worrell; Chairman, Prof. Stephan Gift; Registrar, Vaughn Lezama; Board Members, Shane Boodoodingh, Roger Camacho, Margarita Leonard, and Dayne Job. Absent are Prof. Clement Imbert and Marc Cooper.