Your Excellencies, 25 years ago the Board of Engineering of Trinidad and Tobago received the legal authority to function in our country by Act of Parliament No 34 of 1985. Through the Act, the registration of Engineers to practice in Trinidad and Tobago became possible but not mandatory. Notwithstanding this, at the time of its passage, the Act was seen as a significant step in our journey as Engineers to control our destiny. 25 years later, registration is still not mandatory. Discussions are however ongoing with the relevant Ministry for amendments to the Act that would make registration a pre-requisite for practice, as obtains with the other professions in Trinidad and Tobago and internationally.

In the 25 years of our existence, the Board has overseen the Registration of over 1000 local and foreign Engineers of all disciplines, and registration has allowed our local Engineers to be welcomed to practice in other jurisdictions. Additionally, we have been able to sensitise the local community on the benefits of utilising and engaging the services of registered Engineers.

Our 25th Anniversary is a proud moment in our history. I crave your indulgence, Excellencies, in using this occasion to ask colleagues to counter balance this evening’s levity with deep reflection on our role and responsibility to continue to develop our chosen profession.  Let us continue to give selflessly in the interest of our country and ensure that we always contribute in a manner that will secure the sustainability of our country and redound to the benefit of all our citizens.

May I on behalf of the Board of Engineering, pay tribute to the former Board Members who shouldered the responsibility of seeing to it that our registration standards and procedures are at least equivalent to similar requirements in other developed countries.

Your Excellency, I seize the opportunity to address you as Engineer Richards as I express, once again, our heartfelt thanks to you and to Her Excellency.

T&T 25th Anniversary Cocktail Reception (Photo Gallery)