About us

The functions of the Board are:

The Board of Engineering of Trinidad and Tobago was established as a corporate body by the Engineering Profession Act No. 34 of 1985. The functions of the Board as prescribed by the Act are:

  • To assess the qualifications and experience of persons applying for registration as a Registered Engineer;
  • To conduct examinations of persons applying for registration as a Registered Engineer;
  • To register engineers and issue Certificates of Registration;
  • To monitor adherence to and investigate breaches of the Code of Ethics
  • To keep published for public scrutiny and notified in the Gazette a list of qualifications and institutions recognized by the Board in respect of engineering training required by the Act.
  • To advise the Minister on such amendments to the Act as considered desirable
  • Generally, to regulate the practice of engineering in accordance with the Act. 

 ‘Engineer’ means a person who, through specialized education, training and experience, is skilled in the principles and practice of Engineering;

Fee Structure

The Board of Engineering advises of the following changes in its fee structure: (Prices are in TT$)
Application Fees
Current: $200.00
Registration Fees
With Traditional Stamp: $850.00
With Self-Inking Stamp: $1200.00
Cost of Traditional Stamp: $200.00
Cost of Self-Inking Stamp: $600.00


The current Practice Fees are as follows:

Members of APETT: $700.00
Non APETT: $825.00
Retired Persons: 50% of the above

Registration Certification by the Board of Engineering means the following:

  • An Obligation by the Engineer to conform to a Legislated Code of Ethics
  • A Rigorous assessment of the Engineer’s professional competency
  • Demonstrative validation of the Engineer’s expertise in his/her specialty
  • Demonstrated competency and professional commitment by the Engineer
  • Confidence and trust that the Engineer has met recognized academic and professional standards in his/her profession
  • Accountability by the Engineer for any unethical practice.
  • Obligation of the Engineer to protect the public health, safety and welfare
  • Commitment by the Engineer to demonstrate professional competency, objectivity, confidentiality and ethicality.